Road 2 Freedom M.R.O. Inc. Rules, Regulations, Bylaws and Officers
Please Note : R2F MRO Inc. is a Business with Two Divisions to it.
We are Road 2 Freedom MRO Inc.
We have; # 1 - A Motorcycle Group Road 2 Freedom MRO Inc.
We have : # 2 - A 501c3 Division in order to help others the best way we can, which our Motorcycle Group assist to build and grow by Supporting Our 1st & 2nd Amendment Rights.
Our Memberships are Open to All Individuals/Families that have the same interest as R2F M.R.O. Inc.
We stand strong in the belief of Our 1st & 2nd Amendment Rights.
These Rights Allow Road 2 Freedom MRO Inc. Motorcycle group and Our 501 c3 Non Profit to Help Many Locals in need and Vet's.
Memberships are not restricted nor prohibited because of Age, Sex, Religion, Race nor based off of the type of Motorcycle, Trike, and or Vehicle you Own.
If you feel you have what it takes to stand with us, Please contact any of our members to sign you up or simply sign up online.
Members of Our Motorcycle Group help to build and work within Road 2 Freedom MRO Inc. 501c3 Division
Absolutely NO "Drama"
If your into DRAMA, you have STOPPED at the wrong place. Anyone at anytime that Causes a Brother or Sister Drama WILL BE given One Break and after that an issue still has not been worked out they will be asked to leave the Organization. All monies paid into the Road 2 Freedom MRO Inc. is NONREFUNDABLE. (We all will never agree on all issues but we are all Adults).
Anyone whom yet is NOT a member and is, or has caused DRAMA already, Will be banned from the Organization. This is do to the fact we are here to HELP Kids and Veteran's and more in NEED.
Our 501c3 Division Board Of Directors as follows:
Our Punches Ride for Autism / Gun Rights Education/GunTraining Classes are our 501 c3 Business and the only area with a B.O.D. below our Corporate Office/B.O.D. This board controls direction of our 501c3. ( Our Motorcycle/Non Motorcycle Members Group has no B.O.D). Any issues within the Motorcycle group or B.O.D. that can't be solved by officers will taken to the Corporate Office and they will resolve the issue.
B.O.D. Requires a Lead Chair person, a Vice Chair and a Secretary whom report back Road 2 Freedom Inc Corporate Office. (The Corporate Office is Open to All.
B.O.D. Positions are up to 3 years after which one must take a year off before they can be voted back into another B.O.D. Spot (Unless a majority vote by the members wish to keep said BOD.).
The Board Of Directors must be made up of at least 3- R2F MRO Inc. Members and or NON Members of an M/C, R/C, S/C, or any other Motorcycle Club. Keeping in mind that the use of an Odd number will prevent an tie on any voting outcomes and keep Our 501 c3 División moving forward.
There will Never to be less than 3 B.O.D. Member's at a time regardless of memberships .
B.O.D. Do Not need to lease a Full Set of Patches but are encouraged to be at least a Standard member at a cost of $15.00 per B.O.D (but the $15.00 fee is not mandatory. B.O.D. staff can be made up of Members and Non-Members of R2F MRO Inc.
If a Tie Vote happens between the B.O.D. members, it will be given to the Corporate Office to be looked and to see if an All-Members Vote needs to make final a Ruling.
There is "NO" One vote that can change any or all of the Rules and Regulation set forth. (All request for Changes must be submitted to Corporate Office. Please Note: Changes can Only be made from January 1st - 31st of every year.
B.O.D. Voting is used for Events, Funds Raising, Rides and General Use of Funds available from ideas brought forward to help our 501 c3 to grow. It's also used for the Corporate Office to feed any profits to those needing funding. Corporate Office uses as little as possible of incoming funds to operate. (A 10% Charge per event or ride off the total daily or yearly take goes to Corporate to cover all cost to operate annually, please note this 10% rarely covers our true operating cost)
If a BOD Member choose to retire, or steps down, Corporate will take applications to fill that position (If Needed) and a member's vote will take place (Corporate Office Staff (V.P. Sec. Treas.) are the Only Hired Positions but with No Pay). Corporate positions are filled by sending a letter to the Corporate Office all Corporate as well as all other positions are Non Paid "All Volunteer".
When a Corporate Positions become available: All Members can put there name forward (as long as there not an Officer already within the 501 c3 or R2F MRO Inc, Motorcycle Group) to be considered for said position.
1- What is Our B.O.D..
1-a, B.O.D. stands for from this point forward as (Board Of Directors)
1-b - B.O.D. members should be willing to help in the process of researching for funding needed for events throughtout the year. They are a major back bone to the 501 c3 Organization.
2. The B.O.D. must show R2F MRO Inc. Corporate Office and the Motorcycle Group Members as well as OTHERS Respect .
2a, Any B.O.D. Showing Disrespect to any member or members, that member or members needs to report it to the Corporate Office for a review. Said B.O.D. Members Showing Disrespect could Receive Termination of said Position if deemed by the CEO. Note we are All Humans and we all make mistakes. so for this a one time pass could be voted on by the Corporate office.
3. Any Members of the B.O.D. Showing Disrespect More than (2) Two times in any 12 month period to any Corporate Members, Members Road 2 Freedom MRO Inc. Motorcycle Group Will be Required to Leave and Return there Patches to Road 2 Freedom M.R.O. Inc. corporate office. (Please Note, It maybe better to turn over ones vest than to remove your patches. Patch removal seems to harm said patches and may require you to lease a new set with a penalty fee of $130.00 per set) and May Reapply for a renewed membership (1) year from date of said action. At which time a vote will be taken on one standings were the CEO will bring it to the B.O.D. for a Vote.
4. If any B.O.D. 501 c3 staff losses their B.O.D Spot due to breaking any of the set By-Laws, rules or regulations, #3 they can not, nor will not be allowed to take any other officer, or B.O.D. Spots for a minimum of 1 year from the said return date of their incident They can come back as a Regular member for there first 12 months, (1) year and can reapply for Officer or a B.O.D. after that time frame.
Road 2 Freedom M.R.O. Inc. Motorcycle Group Members
Any Road 2 Freedom MRO Inc. Motorcycle Group Members Showing Disrespect More than (1) One time in any 12 month period to any 501 c3 B.O.D. Members, Officers, Standard Members and Corporate Officers or to the Public, Will be required to step out of the Road 2 Freedom M.R.O. Inc. as followed.
All will be considered to be Given One Free Pass , We are All Human and we all make Mistakes. (Thus it says More than One above Depending on Offence to be determined by the Corporate Office Except for the following items below.
7-. Any Member Destroying Road 2 Freedom M.R.O. Inc. Property (Patches, Logo's and Etc.) at anytime without the full consent of the Road 2 Freedom M.R.O. Inc. Office will be asked to leave the Organization on the spot with all patch sets being returned .
7-a- First Offense for Disrespect, Not Allowed To Be At Any M.R.O. Related Events, Or Rides, and the loss of voting rights for 30 Days.
7-b-Second Offense for Disrespect, Not Allowed At Any Events And Rides, and the loss of voting rights For 60 Days.
7-c-Third Offense for Disrespect, You Will Be Asked To Turn In All Patches to Road 2 Freedom Inc. Thus Making You A Non Member.
You may ask (1) year from date of that action to have your membership renewed. This must be ok'd by Corporate Office vote.
7d. If anyR2F MRO Inc. Motorcycle Group Officer, Member, is asked to take off their vest due to breaking any Laws, Bylaws, Rules, or Regulations set forth by M.R.O, Inc. they will be asked to patch down ("Patch Down" Mean's Simply No Wearing your vest with patches intact, removal of said patches may cause harm to patches and require you to lease a New Set at $80.00 per set) till assigned obligations are met, and suspension is completed. If anyone under these guideline's is seen in public wearing their vest, their current suspension is subject to be doubled on 1st offense, and 2nd offense they will be asked to turn in vest until set suspension is completed.
Please Remember Disrespect and Drama are under different Rules ( Drama Section)
All Membership Cost Will Apply To Get Back In.
Road 2 Freedom M.R.O. Inc. Motorcycle Group Officers are listed as Shown.
R2F MRO Officer's - Corporate Office will notify when voting is required. End On Dec -31- N/A #
All Officer Positions Listed Below will operate with and under the Corporate 501 c3 blanket affective January 1st of 2021 with all Officers holding said positions to end of there term in ??? as long as they remain in good standings with R2F MRO Inc. Motorcycle Group and Our 501 c3 Non Profit Organization .
8 - R2F M.R.O. Inc. Motorcycle Group / President / - Andrew "Drew" Klevgard # Over see's and helps build and move forward R2F MRO Inc. Motorcycle Group to keep everything running smoothly, safely and delicates work where needed. will assist Our 501 c3 division in order to help others. Works with Corporate Office.
8a. - R2F M.R.O. Inc. Motorcycle Group / Vice President / - Don Hakes. # Assist's the President or others within the Group where needed to keep R2F MRO Inc. Motorcycle Group running smoothly. Person holding This position is also first in line to take an open President position. Works with Corporate Office.
8a.1 R2F MRO Inc. Motorcycle Group/ Open # Assistant Director at Large, Helps in building R2F MRO Inc. by signing up new members in New areas and Assists Corporate Office.
8b. - R2F M.R.O. Inc. Motorcycle Group/ Sgt @ Arms / - Jake Kamikaze # Handles All Safety aspects of Events and or Rides with R2F MRO Inc. 501 c3 /R2F MRO Inc. Motorcycle Group. Reports back to Corporate Office
8c. R2F M.R.O. Inc. Motorcycle Group / Secretary / - Detailed Notes at All Meeting and Assist other Officers as needed gets all notes to Corporate Office
8d. -R2F M.R.O. Inc. Motorcycle Group/ Treasury/ Julie Boehm- # Works closely with Corporate office and makes sure all paperwork/funding from Raffles, Events and Rides are correctly turned into the Corporate Office within a 72 hour window. All funding will be handled by Corporate Office. (It's the responsibility of said treasurer to get these funds into the hands of Corporate either by hand or mail after each Raffle, Event and or ride.)
8e. - R2F M.R.O. Inc. Motorcycle Group /Road Commander - Open # Please Note: This Position has Full Control Over all on R2F MRO Inc. Rides within R2F MRO Inc. 501 c3 and or R2F MRO Inc. Motorcycle Group is out riding a Ride Sponsored by R2F MRO Inc. Enforces Laws In Riding. Reports back to Corporate Office.
8f. - R2F M.R.O. Inc. Motorcycle Group /Road Captain - Open # Assists Road Commander where needed and enforces riding laws as needed. Person holding This position is also first in line to take An Open Road Commander position. Reports back to Road Commander or Corporate Office if a Commander is not listed.
8g. -R2F M.R.O. Inc. Motorcycle Group./Road Assistance - (Only when needed at R2F Rides, appointed by the Road Commander or Road Captain)
* Please Note: Officers within R2F MRO Inc. Motorcycle Group are voted in by the members every two years for other members and are our key people for the Public, Business and others to go to for Answers to any Questions they may have and to run the Road 2 Freedom MRO Inc Motorcycle Group inside our R2F MRO Inc. and 501 c3 Organization.
*Please note if any Officer positions are not filled by Jan 31st 2020 the Said President of R2F MRO Inc. Motorcycle Group can bring people fourth to the Corporate Office for nonanation to fill said officer position and or positions to be followed by a Members page Vote.
* Please Note: Officers working with in R2F MRO Inc. will be involved with handling of Event's, Raffles, Rides, Sponsorships, Memberships and more and assuring all collected funds are turned into Our Corporate Office following each Event, Rides, Raffles, Sponsorships, Memberships and anything else which raised funding.
Other Officers Positions
9. - R2F M.R.O./Chaplin./
9a - P.R. Staffer - as needed (Helps Work with getting Donations and more from Local Businesses, Corporations, General Public, Friends and Families) Reports back to heads of Committees and or Corporate Office
Disputes :
Disputes between any R2F MRO Inc. Standard Motorcyle Group members should brought before the President and Vice President of said Road 2 Freedom MRO Inc. Motorcycle Group and settled with an opened mind. If the issue can't be settled, it will go to the corporate office for a final decision.
If said dispute is between any officer and standard member or Officer / Officer within the Road 2 Freedom MRO Inc. either party can ask to have the issue at hand settled by One Corporate Officer and one R2F MRO Inc. Officer not involved in said dispute. If said dispute can't be settled then Corporate Office will meet and make final decision.
Special Note :
P.R. = (Handles "Public Relations" and All P.R. staff members are the Only Spots that can hold a B.O.D. and or Officer Positions at the same time within R2F MRO Motorcycle Group or Corporate office).
Special Note : These New Guidelines listed below are being put into place as of Jan 1st 2022 and we will be used by Road 2 Freedom MRO Inc. 501 c3 to follow all guideline set fourth per Our Federal Government as a 501 c 3 Non Profit Organization.
(These are no BOD on the R2F MRO Inc Motorcycle Group Side, these Officers work within R2F MRO Inc. and are assigned duties that move R2F MRO Inc. forward as a whole .
These Officers positions Which Our Road 2 Freedom MRO Inc. Motorcycle Group hold are very important to the daily running of what goes on with in R2F MRO Inc. and our 501 c3 Organization. All our Road 2 Freedom MRO Inc. Motorcycle Group members are made up of people that Support what we believe in.
Please note requirements before running for an Officer position.
These Officers are elected for 2 year terms and work within Road 2 Freedom MRO Inc. and 501-c3 Non Profit Organization.
These elected Officers are in place so when we as a group are out for a Ride or at an Event either our own or the public, others know who they can turn to for question and or answers as well as our own members needing help with an issue or question. (Remember there's No Dumb or Bad Question).
Please note All These Officers are given the right as to how the 501-c3 operates with limitations that may apply.
All Monies are kept at the Corporate Office and one must summit a request for a check for items needed, All Non Profit Funding must be ran by our 501c3 Board for a vote of Yay or Nay. ( All checks issued will come from Corporate Office Only once ok'd by the board)
Key is to Keep all staff within the same loop as to What's taken place, Where it is , What's it about, What are our end cost and Where are needed funds going from (Sponsors, Free Will Gifts, Donations, Raffles, Auctions and more.
All Officers are voted in for up to 10 terms, then they must take a year off. All Officers Need to have a full set of Patch's. All Road 2 Freedom MRO Inc. Members can run for any Office Position every 10 years. Office Staff, and Officer Positions within the Road 2 Freedom M.R.O. Inc Motorcycle Group can ONLY be held by NON Members of any other M/C, R/C, S/C, or any other Motorcycle related Clubs, Organizations / Associations or Motorcycle related Clubs.
Road 2 Freedom MRO Inc. Motorcycle Group is an M.R.O. and operates off that set of rules and regulations and work within Our 501c3 Organization. We Give Respect to All, and look for Respect in return.
All Members working as an Officer or any other Staffing Position, within the R2F M.R.O. Inc. Motorcycle Group is 100% Straight Volunteer.
No Funds will be paid out to Road 2 Freedom M.R.O. Inc. Motorcycle Group members. Members in Office, in Corporate Office or within Our 501 c3 Non Profit.
All R2F MRO Inc. Motorcycle Group Officers must be an Active Member within the R2F M.R.O Inc. and Our 501 c3 Non Profit by giving at least 5 hours per week.
If you feel you can't give 5 hours to help all other Officers and or staff out, Please do not run for those positions.
Funds will be paid back if Corporate Ask you to pick up an item or items to be used by R2F M.R.O . Inc. Motorcycle Group or within Our 501 C3.
Thank you to All that help and support Road 2 Freedom M.R.O. Inc. Motorcycle Group members and our R2F MRO Inc 501-c3. We are All here Making this a Better Place for those in need One Step at a time.
Officers We Do Not Have:
Please Take Note : If you SEE Anyone Acting as an Road 2 Freedom M.R.O. Inc. Member that SAYS they are a State President or a State Vice President, or any State Officer (Other than Director at Large) with the Road 2 Freedom M.R.O, Inc. They are NOT with This Organization.
We do not have any State Presidents, or Vice Presidents. We have No State lines, We Road 2 Freedom MRO Inc. Motorcycle/ Nonmotorcycle Group Are All One Organization at heart Throughout The U.S.A. . and claim No One State or Territory. (Our 501c3 is in place to help those within the state of Wisconsin Only)
Office/Officer Spots Needed to Be filled at this time:
Please Note As Of Jan 1st 2024
Corporate Officer's List 10/31/18
1. - R2F M.R.O. Inc./President/ Corp. Founder/CEO Director/BOD/Web I.T. / - Andrew Klevgard - (Drew) 2012
1a. -R2F M.R.O. Inc./Vice President / Corp. Business Director/BOD/Web I.T. / -Jason Heacox - (Gnosis) 2012
1b. -R2F M.R.O. Inc. / Corp. /Secretary/Treasury /BOD/ - Julie Boehm - 2018
1c.- R2F M.R.O. Inc. /Corp. /Fundraiser Coordinator / - Linette Lyga -2022
Non Officers Positions ( These Are Very Important People when Help is needed)
2 - P.R. Staffer (Helps Work with getting Donations and more from Local Businesses, Corporations, General Public, Friends and Family)
Special Note :
Corporate Positions 1a through 3a, Are hired (Non Paid) position Unless One wants to retire or step down from there position in which Corporate will take application for a replacement.
Our 501 C 3 must follow rules and Regulations thus are overseen by Our B.O.D. which report back to the Corporate Office.
R2F MRO Inc. or 501 c3 Division B.O.D. Positions Needing to be Filled at this time:
Please take the time and read through what will be Required from you as a B.O.D. member.
*All B.O.D. Report back to Our Corporate Office and would be required to make 80% of all monthly meetings,
*All B.O.D. will be allowed to place a vote by proxy if a situation required them to as long as they notified the Corporate Office on a timely matter for there vote to count.
* Quarterly Meeting are in order to stay active in all means of said business in hand. ( Date and Time to be Set)
*One Must work well with the public to move R2F MRO Inc. 501 c3 forward to represent Road 2 Freedom MRO Inc. Motorcycle Group members and have a business mind sense.
*An ideal fit may be what we all call a Peoples person with well organized skills for this position.
*Candidates For Our B.O.D positions need to submit a letter of intent telling us why your a fit for one of these positions to the Our Corporate Office at 1510 Vine St. Eau Claire WI 54703 from which point all app's will be placed for a vote by all Members of Road 2 Freedom MRO Inc. Motorcycle Group as long as the number run is higher than Board members needed or if a BOD steps down during there term.
*Remember B.O.D. Positions are very key positions needing to be filled with the right people.
*Please note B.O.D. positions as of Jan1st 2019 can not hold any other office other than a P.R. (Public Relations) .
* Lead Chair - Controls B.O.D. Meetings, set goals to reach and to help in finding needed funding through Donations, Sponsorships, Grants and more with all information being reported to the Corporate Office.
* Vice Chair - Assists in all B.O.D. meetings and fills in when Lead Chair person can not be present, help in finding needed funding through Donations, Sponsorships, Grants and more and reports to the lead chair unless their acting as lead then they report to the Corporate Office.
* Secretary - Takes Detailed notes of All B.O.D. meetings and is required to find a fill-in if said person can not able attend meeting plus help in finding needed funding through Donations, Sponsorships, Grants and more plus send a copy of all said notes to the Corporate Office.
* Plus we need at least 2 more B.O.D. members that are willing help in finding needed funding through Donations, Sponsorships, Grants and more.
Non Officers Positions
5 - P.R. Staffer - as needed
5a. - P.R. Staffer (Helps Work with getting Donations and more from Local Businesses, Corporations, General Public, Friends and Family)
Special Note :
P.R. = (Handles "Public Relations" and All P.R. staff members are the Only Spots that can hold a B.O.D. and or Officer Positions at the same time within R2F MRO Motorcycle Group or Corporate office).
Special Note : These New Guidelines listed below are being put into place as of Jan 1st 2018 and we will be using 2017-2018 as a soft cross over years for Road 2 Freedom MRO Inc. 501 c3 to follow all guideline set fourth per Our Federal Government as a 501 c 3 Non Profit Organization.
Clothing and Accessories :
All items related or have Road 2 Freedom MRO Inc. name or R2F MRO Inc. or anything to do with Road 2 Freedom MRO Inc. name must and will need all Proofs and art work done ok'd through Corporate office. This includes Hats, Tee Shirts, Hoodies, Mugs. Etc. Any work done without the ok by Corporate will be Bill to whomever ordered said product or items.
As of Jan 1st 2018
* Road 2 Freedom MRO Inc. Officers "Can Not" take on another Officer spot if you already hold an Officers and or B.O.D. position within Road 2 Freedom MRO Inc. 501 c3 or R2F MRO Inc. Motorcycle Group, this "Does Not" include P.R. positions.
* All members seeking an Officers Position will be required to bring a Minimum of Five (5) or more hours forward per week to help guide the R2F MRO Inc. 501 c3/R2f MRO Inc. Motorcycle Group in the right direction. This includes making 80% of All Scheduled Meeting and 50% of All Rides/Events.
* All R2F MRO Inc. 501 c3 members are important to building R2F MRO Inc. 501 c3 and Our R2F MRO Inc. Motorcycle Group from within into the Greatest Non Profit 501 c3 Organization that helps others (Kids and Veteran's) in need.
Starting Jan 1st 2020,
* R2F MRO Inc. Motorcycle/Non Motorcycle Group Members Household can not be made up with any Two (2) following Officers, President, Vice President, in the same home and or address
As of Jan 1st 2020
One's household can have Two (2) B.O.D. on our 501c3 division living within the same household and or same address. Please note: One does not have to be a member to apply for a BOD / nor a member to be a BOD Position though it would be greatly appreciated.
As Of Jan 1st 2020
* R2F MRO Inc. members in either Our 501c3 Division or our Motorcycle/Non Motorcycle Group may have a Officer and or a B.O.D. living in the same household with either one or both holding a P.R. position.
As Of January 1st 2024
Memberships are FREE but Open to Donations , Thank You R2F MRO Inc. Management
Basic Donation Membership's Single
$20.00 first year and $15.00 every year after. (First year Includes your Membership Patch.)
Basic Donation Membership's Couples
$35.00 first year and $25.00 every after. (First year Includes your Membership Patch.)
Lifetime Donation Membership $250.00
Thank you for your Support in R2F MRO INC. .
(See Our Membership and Patch Page).
Road 2 Freedom M.R.O. Inc. offers a Support patch where anyone can buy to show there Support for what we stand for. (See Our Patch Page)
Membership can be bought here online
What we Support and Don't Support
We Are NOT A Support Club for anyone, We are an M.R.O. Only/ We do Support The Flood Run, Vets, Autism, B.A.C.A =Bikers Against Child Abuse, B.A.D.D. = Bikers Against Drunk Drivers and many more great Cause out there. ( We DO ALLOW M/C, R/C, S/C And other Organizations, Associations to support our cause). (Our Support Patch can Be bought by Contacting Our Members).
We DO NOT Have Prospects NOR any other steps you must follow to join. (You simply fill out a membership form that shows you have an interest in what we believe in as an M.R.O,). Then pay your Yearly Membership to be an active member.
We show Respect , To all Clubs, Organizations and Associations to get Respect. We all have the same goal, to Ride in Harmony with ALL and to Help others in Need.
We are a Rights Organization Dedicated To American Freedom. ( STRONGLY ON THE 1ST & 2ND AMENDMENTS).
We Honor Our Troops and Support the Constitution Of The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
We Support the people of the U.S.A. and our INDEPENDENT BIKER COMMUNITY.
We are Brothers, Sisters and Family of the road and NO ONE IS EVER LEFT BEHIND.
We (ROAD 2 FREEDOM M.R.O. Inc.) are a TRUE FAMILY BASED M.R.O. with our FAMILY FIRST, for without our family we would not have an M.R.O .
We ride with HONOR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE for all.
We are Bikers and Non Bikers that Understand the meaning behind the word " BROTHERHOOD/SISTERHOOD AND FAMILY."
We will, to the best of our Ability, Promote the TRUE meaning of Brother/Sisterhood.